Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Great Trip

As you can see, my blog fizzled out in early December.   I guess I cannot type when my hands are in winter gloves 24/7 and my body is chilled to the bone.  During the first part of the month the temperature did not go over freezing for 10 days with the nighttime lows between 10 and 26. 
In spite of the cold, we really enjoyed our time spent with Dane.  We walked to his school every afternoon and then walked him home.  We helped him with homework and also took him to play dates and to Karate.  Kevin and Leslie kept very busy with their businesses.

Chig brought our rock tumbler from Sacramento and Chig and Dane polished the rocks Dane had collected in Yosemite in June.  It took 3 weeks but the end result was beautiful.

 We spent our first Christmas away from home ever!  It was different but very nice too.  It was fun seeing Dane open his gifts.  Spending time Kevin, Leslie, Dane, their neighbors and twin daughters was an added bonus.   Irene drove to Portland and enjoyed Christmas with us too.

January 2, 2014, we headed further north to Seattle.  The weather warmed quite a bit.  We parked our RV at Charlene’s house in Marysville.  We could easily travel back and forth to the city.  We were also able to take the ferry to visit Keith and Alice in Kingston.  One evening Cory & Amanda prepared Paella at their restaurant Pintxo where we were joined by family and friends for a delicious dinner.  The group of 13 included Amanda's parents Henry and Diana,  her aunt Ada Mae, Chig's niece Toni and her husband Bob, Chig's sister Charlene, our Seattle friends Craig and Deanna , my cousin Sandy and her fiancĂ© Bob (they live in Victoria),  Chig, Irene and me.

                                                This beautiful pan of Paella was a work of art.

                        Three first cousins, Sandy, Kathy and Irene.

On January 13th we headed back to Sacramento.   Although it was cold, it was a great trip.

Friday, December 6, 2013

And then there was snow!

We woke up early to find snow flurries.  It is VERY cold again.  I had to wait until noon to get up the nerve to go out to take this picture.  It is windy and much of the snow that was here earlier has blown away.  Lots of cold weather in the forecast. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Brrrrr in Portland!

Since my last post we have had a busy year. We have continued to take small five day trips with our RV club each month. In June we purchased a new 34 foot Holiday Rambler motorhome. Our final trip in our old motorhome was also in June with our three grandsons to Yosemite. We had a great time hiking and exploring but the favorite activity for all three was our horseback ride in the valley. They all did a great job. Jacob (12) and Jackson (10) rode horses and 6 year old Dane rode Dotty the mule. In August we took our new motorhome for our annual trip to Oregon for Dane's birthday. Jacob and Jackson and my sister Irene traveled with us. We spent four nights on the coast then returned to Portland for a total of 2 weeks. I am cutting back on my work load and we are currently spending the month of December in Portland. Our Portland son and daughter-in-law each run a business that is busy during the holidays. We are helping shuttle Dane from school, to play dates, etc. We are also cooking evening meals. It has really been enjoyable. Our mornings are leisurely. Chig is working on his genealogy book. In addition he brought the rock tumbler to tumble the rocks Dane collected last June near Yosemite. He and Dane started that project yesterday. The rocks should be beautiful and polished in about two weeks. I have worked on a marketing project with Christmas cards next on my list. We will definitely not have time for boredom. There is one drawback to our visit! It is very very cold here! It is also cold in California but not quite this bad. For the next five days some of the lows may be single digit with highs in the low 30's. Fortunately I have been dressing in layers from head to toe. I have asked myself "who goes NORTH for the winter?". Apparently we are the opposite of "snow birds".

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 35-37 Headed Home

On Tuesday morning we joined our group for a Farewell Breakfast. After 33 days together we were all a little reluctant to say "good bye". There were some watery eyes, actual tears and many hugs. There were about eight couples who were headed to the Albuquerque Balloon Festival. Curt, Dawn, Chig & I left for California. Tuesday evening was spent in Needles. There are not many great choices for RV parks but we found one on the Colorado River. We arrived to temperatures over 105 and spent some time in the pool. Yesterday we continued over the Tehachapi Mountains to Bakersfield. So here we are this morning ready to head north to our home. This has been a fantastic trip but I am ready to go home! I have enjoyed sharing our trip with you. Stay tuned for our next adventure : )

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 33-34 Grand Canyon South Rim

The weather has continued to be beautiful. The high both yesterday and today was 80 degrees. We have seen a lot of mule deer and one male elk with a very large rack. This is rutting season and the males are busy gathering their harems. We have been warned not to get too close as they are somewhat tempermental and may charge. This male had smaller horns but did not mind having his picture taken.
Of the Seven Natural Wonders, the Grand Canyon is the most visited. It was formed through a combination of uplift from the crust of the earth and millions of years of erosion. It is part of the Colorado Plateau. The average width is 10 miles but at the widest point it is 18 miles wide. At its deepest point it is 5000 ft deep. The Colorado River and its tributaries have caused most of the erosion. The Colorado River is 1450 miles long and 300-400 feet across at the widest points. Annually it carries 100,000 tons of rock debris from the canyon. The south rim has the Rim Trail running the length of the rim. In most areas it is paved and an easy hike. Yesterday morning everyone met for a four hour bus tour of the east end of the south rim of the canyon. We made some stops along the way.
The main focus of the tour was Desert View which is the rim location of the Watch Tower designed by American architect Mary Colter. The tower was completed in 1932 right on the edge of the rim.
The interior has many drawings depicting various petroglyphs found in the area.
View from the top of the tower
We came across some wildlife. Small ~
And large ~
The canyon has a great shuttle system. In the afternoon we went to the Sante Fe Train Depot and the El Tovar hotel. The hotel was built in 1905 by the railroad to attract high end travelers. It is frequented by many famous celebrities including Paul McCartney.
The El Tovar from across a canyon branch.
We walked for a while along the rim trail then stopped at the Bright Angel Lodge for something to drink. I found an amusing sign in the rest room. In case you cannot read it, it says "Caution - Reclaimed Waste Water - Do Not Drink" Fortunately I don't think anyone would be tempted.
Here is a picture of Chig & me followed by some additional canyon pictures -
Tonight was our group farewell dinner. Tomorrow we will have a farewell breakfast. We have really enjoyed this trip and have met so many wonderful RVers from all over the country. The group age varies from 55 to 80. Couples are from the east coast, the south, the midwest and of course California. This has been a fantastic opportunity to see the southwest. There will be one more post for this trip.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 30-32 Jacob Lake, Arizona

Thursday we left Lake Powell for Jacob Lake, Arizona, at the northern rim of the Grand Canyon. Here is a picture looking down on our RV park and part of the lake.
We made a stop at Pipe Spring National Monument located on the Arizona strip between the Grand Canyon and the Vermilion Cliffs. Pipe Springs has been a water source for centuries in the middle of the high desert. The water fron Utah,200 miles north, percolates down to the shale layers and travels southward to the base of the cliffs and surfaces at places like Pipe Spring. The area was first occupied by the Ancestral Puebloans followed by the Paiutes. Next the Catholic Missionaries and explorers came through the area. Later Brigham Young decided it would be a good location for a tithing ranch during the construction of the mormon temple in St. George, Utah.
He placed Anson and Emmeline Windsor on the ranch to accept tithes of cattle from area church members. Cattle were also raised to help feed the laborers for the temple. A stone home, known as Windsor Castle, was constructed. In later years the National Parks purchased the ranch and designated it as a National Monument.
We checked into our RV park at Jacob Lake and ate at the lodge. Yesterday we drove 50 miles to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. I think I need to check out the Thesaurus. I am running out of words to describe sheer amazing and beautiful nature. Pictures do not do the canyon justice. It has to be seen in person.
We drove to Point Imperial which is the highest point on the north rim at 8803 feet. We went back to camp for a group campfire and roasted hot dogs followed by s'mores. This morning we headed to the busier south rim, a 5 hour drive. We passed the Vermilion Cliffs and an area of balanced rocks.
We continued to the south rim National Park entrance and settled in to our campground. As we entered the park we saw many pull outs with views but could not safely pull our RV into the area. Tomorrow we will be taking a bus tour. Just in front of our RV we had a close-up view of an elk.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 27-29 ~ Page, Arizona

On Monday we left Monument Valley, Utah, and headed to Page, Arizona, on Lake Powell. On the way we stopped at the Navajo National Monument. After stopping at the overlook, we watched an interesting film at the visitor's center. We then took a 1 mile trail to an alcove and dwelling site of some Anasazi. We continued to our RV park at Glen Canyon National Park where we have a nice view of Lake Powell.
Tuesday we met at 6:45 a.m. for a five hour boat trip to Rainbow Bridge on Lake Powell. The night before we had quite a rain storm and very high winds. During the boat trip we could see rain clouds and lightening around us but by the return trip we had beautiful sunny skies.
The scenery on the trip was beautiful. The white on the canyon walls is from calcium deposits at the high water mark (the lake is 75 feet below full). The last time the lake was at capacity was 1983-1984.
After we docked the boat in a narrow canyon, we took an easy walk to Rainbow Bridge. This is a natural bridge, different from an arch since it has water running under it.
Today we went to the Lake Powell Lodge for breakfast then headed to Glen Canyon Dam for a tour. The dam is 25 feet thick at the top and 300 feet at the base.
This afternoon we took another open truck trip to Antelope Slot Canyon. It is impossible to imagine the millions of years of water wear that caused this amazing geologic feature. These picture are taking looking up from the floor of the slot canyon.
Here is the outline of a bear.
Do you see the heart?
After a long day we had a beautiful sunset.