Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 16 ~ Coeur d'Alene

Our day was filled with a trip around the entire lake. We started on the North end and traveled along the lake's edge. The lake is very long and narrow with a jagged shoreline. For lunch we stopped at the historical town of Harrison which is right on the border of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation. Harrison was a center for rail travel and the lumber industry during the late 1800's.
The entire Southern end of the lake is within the reservation. The scenery changed on this portion of the lake with rolling farms extending to the water's edge and the ponds of St. Marie growing wild rice.

The lake was formed by a glacier and in many ways reminds me of Lake Tahoe. One of the travel maps describes the Eastern shoreline as "one of the most beautiful drives in Idaho".
We were definitely not disappointed.
We stopped at the Coeur d'Alene Indian Casino for a little over an hour. We (Chig) doubled our small investment.
As evening approached we decided to drive to the Coeur d'Alene Country Club. This is the home of the "floating" 14th hole. It was an amazing sight. The tee is on shore and the players are then taken by boat to the green to complete their play. We watched four golfers take two shots each and did not see any of their balls reach the green, 218 yards away. The island is complete with sand traps!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 15

Today was a travel day from Grangeville to Coeur d'Alene. For the past few days I have looked at the scenery and wondered "Where am I?" The beautiful landscape has been totally unfamiliar to me. As we left the prairie, the rolling hills of wheat looked like a giant bright green golf course covering miles and miles. Once we crossed the mountains towards Lewiston, we found the hills to be covered with brown grass and reminiscent of Northern California.
Of course we had to have our little Problems of the Day! We pulled over on the side of the road and Chig went back to the bathroom. I was reading and suddenly had an odd feeling. When I looked up, I realized we were moving backwards. The motorhome was in reverse instead of park. I jumped into the driver's seat, hit the brakes and put the RV in park. Poor Chig had no idea what was going on as he was bounced around the bathroom. Fortunately, we were only on a slight incline and no harm was done to the tow car (or to Chig).
Our next problem came when I checked the travel binder and could not find the confirmation of our reservations for Couer d'Alene. I quickly called the park and learned we did NOT have reservations. I was initally told they were totally full but with some encouragement from me (begging) a site was found but only for two instead of three nights.
Our final problem came when we realized the battery in our tow car had drained. Fortunately one of the workers here in the park got it started for us.
After getting situated we drove into town. I was surprised at how large the downtown area is.
We then drove to Sandpoint (about 45 miles), walked around for a while and had dinner at a waterfront restaurant on Lake Pend Oreille.
During our drive we noticed the highway notification boards have the message "Look Twice, Motorcycles are Everywhere" - it is true - this area has many many of them!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 14

Today we drove from Grangeville North to the town of Kooskia where the Lewis & Clark Trail crosses from the Bitterroot Mountains towards the Cascades. We then continued West to the site of The Heart of the Monster (pictured on the left). It is a large rock outcropping whish is part of an ancient Nez Perce Indian legend. In this area Lewis & Clark stayed after barely surviving the trip over the Bitterroots. On their return trip, they again stayed in the area before returning to the East.
We continued in a circle back towards Grangeville. We stopped in the town of Cottonwood and went to the Historical Museum at St. Gertrude then visited the chapel at the Monastery of St. Gertrude. As we headed back to the RV the sky turned black and it poured. The sky was thick with clouds and we had quite a display of lightening. The storm quickly passed and within 2 hours we were sitting in the sunshine eating our dinner.
PS I took the picture on my cell phone. I am going to add a picture of the prairie to yesterday's post.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 13 ~ evening

The Camas Prairie
This morning, before we packed up, Chig spotted a Golden Eagle at our camp site. It landed in a nearby tree and was really beautiful.
Today was another short driving day. Thank goodness Chig is a good driver or I would not have survived the 3 hour journey - much of it at 25 mph. The highway was narrow, windy and at many points there were concrete barricades that made the narrow lanes even narrower. Our 8 ft wide motorhome barely fit and I am certain my body language is all that kept us in our lane. The Whitebird Grade along the Salmon River is the longest steepest uphill grade I have ever been on. But when we reached the summit and headed down into the Camas Prairie, I knew it was worth the drive. I have decided driving a trip in a huge loop is really a good idea. When you are a nervous rider, it is comforting to know you will not be returning on the same roads.
We are staying in Grangeville, ID, a very small town. The huge prairie is surrounded by mountains. It was once the home of the Nez Perce Indians and is also very close to the Lewis & Clark trail. This afternoon we visited a small park that has a skeletal replica of the Mammoth found here in 1994 in a nearby drained lake. We then took a drive on a country road and enjoyed the beauty of the vast landscape.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 12 ~ Evening

Today, Chig's birthday, got off to a slow start. Joe (9) and Sam (6) ended their camping adventure in our motorhome. We returned them safely to their Aunt Andrea's home where they are awaiting the return of their parents from Montana.
We washed the car, finished packing, fixed lunch, stopped for gas and headed North at 1:00. The highway from Boise is very windy with many elevated passes. We decided to make it a short day by stopping for the night in the resort town of McCall. Payette lake is beautiful and the area reminds me of Lake Tahoe on a smaller scale.
The state park where we wanted to stay was full so we ended up at a KOA. There was a manuever difficulty at the park entrance and we once more disconnected our tow car before we could continue. We picked a site on the bluff right above the Payette River. After struggling with an electrical breaker that kept tripping, we set up our table and chairs and watched deer at the river's edge. It is really pretty here, very quiet and very relaxing.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 10 & 11

We have kept very busy for the past two days. Thursday Chig & Royce took Joe & Sam to play 9 holes of golf. When they returned we picked up Joe & Sam's newly adopted brother Ethan (2 1/2 years old) and went out to lunch. We had to bribe him with promises of ice cream to get him in the car. The boys picked Burger King followed by Dairy Queen. Royce & Chig were in 7th Heaven! (Actually Royce was hoping for Applebees)
Thursday evening we celebrated five July birthdays at Royce's house (Kathy 7-19, Cord 7-20, Chad 7-22,Chig 7-25 and Jaxon 7-26). We had a great steak dinner cooked by "birthday boy" Chad. Although Cord was in Montana, we managed to eat his share of dinner and cake. The chocolate cake was decorated with a back hoe and truck. It was picked out by Jaxon(age 3). Friday, while Royce & Chig watched four children, our niece Andrea and I went out to a nice lunch. That evening our niece Jennifer, nephew Sean, Sean's wife Karma and their daughter Addie came to Royce's for dinner. I fixed tacos. Royce and the children made brownies for dessert. We had a nice visit with everyone.
This morning (Saturday) we went out to breakfast with Cayden (Age 4 and #3 son of Cord & Dani)followed by a visit to a park. Monday Cord & Dani will be returning from their trip to reality and gathering up their four boys.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 9

We are enjoying nice warm weather in Boise. Joe & Sam continue their stay with us in the motorhome. Yesterday we did not leave the RV park until a quick shopping trip in the afternoon. We then went to Royce's house to fix a ravioli dinner with fresh corn from California! After dinner we toasted marshmallows on the bar-b-que and made S'mores.
Chig's nephew Chad stopped by and brought golf hats for Chig & Royce from the Reno-Tahoe Open where he played in the pro-am golf tournament. His dream is to become a professional golfer.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 8

Yesterday we left Blackfoot and headed towards Boise. We stopped in Burley and met with Chig's cousin Jack and his wife Pat. At 80, Jack is the oldest living Chigbrow. Greg & Marla followed us to Burley and joined us for lunch.
After lunch, Chig had a moment of panic when he thought he had left our tow vehicle in park. We made an emergency stop on the highway shoulder and found all was well and the car was in neutral!
We arrived in Boise and went to dinner with Chig's brother Royce, his niece Andrea, her two children, Markala(6) and Jaxson(4), and Chig's two great nephews, Joe(9) and Sam(6). They wish our grandsons, Jacob(9) and Jackson(7), were with us!
Joe and Sam's parents, Cord and Dani, are headed to a resort in Montana where Cord will be best man at a close friend's wedding. They will be gone for 6 days. This is the first time they have been away from their children for more than a few hours. The boys spent the night last night in our motorhome and we had a great time.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 7

As mentioned yesterday, it was my birthday - one year left until I qualify for Medicare. Hard to imagine when I feel so much younger : )
We had a busy day. After a great breakfast with fresh off the farm cured bacon, we headed to the Potato Museum with Greg & Marla. It was very interesting and I learned that the Idaho Baker is a Russet Burbank Potato. We then had lunch at Rupe's, a local hamburger place.
Next we headed out of town past Idaho Falls to Yellowstone Bear Country. Here we drove through acres where we saw Elk (including a white Elk), Bison, Wolves, Moose, Bear (including many cubs). Next we drove on to Lower and Upper Mesa Falls along the Snake River. The cayon was beautiful and the falls were spectacular. We ended the day at Famous Dave's Bar-B-Que in Idaho Falls and had a fun dinner. It was really a great day. We are now headed to Burley for lunch with Chig's cousin then on to Boise.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 6

We safely arrived in Blackfoot, ID yesterday afternoon.
We spent the afternoon enjoying Greg & Marla's side patio and beautifully landscaped yard as we visited and got caught up.
Last evening we had a power issue in the motor home and I could not start my computer this morning. We called a computer technician and he pronounced it "dead".
I said a prayer and played with it after he left. Suddenly it came back to life and is working again!
Today is my birthday and we are going to head out on an adventure!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Morning #4

Another beautiful sunny morning. Temperatures here have been in the high 90's but not much different than Sacramento.
Last night's dinner was nice. Chig had fun visting with his "old" classmates. Some he could recognize but many he did not.
The final event is breakfast this morning at "Rowdy's". We will then head to Chig's sister Marla and husband Greg's house in Blackfoot where we will spend two nights.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Gooding, Idaho

We arrived in Gooding yesterday afternoon. We encountered a lot of construction between Wells, NV and Twin Falls, ID. Our only travel event was when we stopped for gas and got in a tight parking lot which required disconnecting our tow car so we could get turned around.
It is so sad to see this small town. Like many California logging areas, this farming community is another "has been" town. Most of the downtown area has homes that are not being maintained and many storefronts are vacant.
We are staying at a campground at the County Fair. It is suprisingly nice with big concrete pads and large grassey strips. We are surrounded by pastures. It feels like camping out on the farm. The only sounds are the moos of cows and the whistle of passing trains. There are approximately 60 sites and the only other campers are in some tents.
Last evening we attended a Bar-B-Que for Chig's "Class of 1960". Most of his classmates are scattered throughout the western states. Tonight is dinner at the Country Club.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 2

We just completed our second day/night of our trip. We spent last night at Iron Horse RV Resost in Elko, NV. Our drive here was uneventful with the exception of stopping at a roadside rest and ending up heading the wrong way on the highway. I was reading my email and looked up and saw the mountains on the wrong side of the road. I don't know when Chig would have realized we were headed back home. Last night we went to a casino for dinner and the net cost was $12.00. I actually found a $3.00 blackjack table and won $31.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Our first day

Welcome to our first blog.
Yesterday July 14th we left for our VBLT (Very Big Long Trip - our BLT - Big Long Trip, was in February). We have borrowed the name from Marg when she and Allen had their BLT last year.
After a late start, caused by me, we made it to our first stop in scenic Fernley, NV. When we arrived our temp gauge showed 111 degrees. Hwy 80 between Truckee & Reno had a long stretch of one NARROW lane. I closed my eyes and imagined we were driving down the long runway of a closed airport. Chig wanted to do the same thing : )
We met two couples here from Texas doing the reverse of our trip. They are heading up the CA, OR coast then into Wash state. Their trip will be 3 months - now that's a VVVBLT!
We are now off to the exciting city of Elko, NV. We have traveled this road nearly 100 times in our lives but have NEVER taken this long to get to Idaho.