Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 14~ The deep freeze

It has been an interesting two days. Wednesday night was extremely cold with freezing temperatures in the 20’s. The heat in our motorhome did not function as the propane contained moisture that became frozen, blocking the line. We also have an electric heat pump but if the propane portion doesn’t work the electric heat will not function. We were so cold when we got up. Not only did we not have heat, our water was frozen. This is not fun. Oh, did I mention that we are in the flight path for the airbase and have fighter jets flying over from 7:30 a.m. until 10:30 p.m.? They fly very low and very fast and are very loud.

After we got up and somewhat thawed, we went to the famous “Yuma Market”. We saw a repeat of many items that were at the RV Tent Show in Quartzsite.

Last night we again had freezing temperatures. Once more, our propane did not function. We did have water. I only wish I had brought heavy sweaters, socks and warmer jackets.

Today I was invited to a ladies luncheon for the “Red Hat Society”. At first I declined but later reluctantly agreed to attend as long as I did not have to sit through any type of meeting or wear any of the red/lavender attire. All of the women were very nice and it was an enjoyable lunch. This was not on my list but if it ever gets there, I can now cross it off.

While I was at lunch with Dawn, Chig & Curt played a round of golf. In the afternoon everyone looked for a small electric space heater for our motor home. Every store is sold out. Apparently we are not the only RV owners with heating problems during this extreme Yuma cold spell.

This evening was a great Bar-B-Q with ribs, beans and salad hosted by the “Bus Nuts”. My previous count was incorrect. There are a total of 32 buses and RVs here.
Most members are from Northern California.

Tomorrow it is supposed to be warmer. I can only hope and pray.......

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