Friday, February 24, 2012

February 19th - 24th Headed home

Sunday and Monday we spent at the beach with Jacob and Jackson.

On Tuesday Kevin, Leslie and Dane arrived and we all headed to LegoLand for two full and busy days.

The three boys stayed with us in the motorhome and really enjoyed their time together.
On Thursday we headed to San Diego Safari Park.

I was not expecting the park to be so large. Originally we thought we would spend the morning there and go to the beach for the afternoon. But we were at the park until 3:30.
For all three boys, their favorite thing was feeding the colorful Lorikeets.

The boys ended the day with one more visit to the beach. We were all asleep by 9:15 : )
Friday morning we packed up and drove to San Bernardino where we left our motorhome for some extensive exterior detail and graphic work. We will drive back to pick it up in a few weeks.
So another BLT (Big Long Trip) has come to an end and I will happily curl up at home tomorrow night!

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