Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 14-16 ~ Moab, Utah

We have been quite busy since my last post. I did not previously write about our drive from Bryce to Torrey. The road was not an easy one. We faced 8% and 10% grades both up and down along a narrow twisty road - no shoulders to speak of. At one point we were on a narrow 2 lane road at the top edge of a long narrow ridge with a deep canyon on each side. Even so, it was a very beautiful drive. At some points we were in deep canyons with tall red layered walls. We were then at higher elevations in beautiful groves of aspen trees. When we finally arrived, one of the other RV drivers said he was surprised his RV did not tip over on the driver's side as his wife was leaning so far towards him. I was doing plenty of leaning as well and my knuckles definitely turned white! Everyone (whether driver or navigator) was exhausted upon arrival. On Tuesday we awoke to dark skies and drizzling rain. We headed to a place I had never heard of, Capitol Reef National Park. Our first stop was the visitor's center where we found postings of flash flood warnings. In front of the building our nation's flag was flying at half-mast reminding us of the nation's tragic loss on September 11th, 11 years ago. We will never forget.
This area was yet another settled by the Mormons in the mid 1800's. They discovered that the river running through this fertile valley provided the perfect soil for apple and peach orchards. We visited the old stone school house and original homestead where we ate fresh baked miniature pies. We also viewed petroglyphs left long ago by Indian inhabitants. At one turnout we could view the Capitol Dome within the park. We also saw a beautiful Bristle Cone Pine.
The entire region is part of the Colorado Plateau. One sign stated the park has the best visibility in the lower 48 states with a range of 145 miles. On this rainy day we could not tell. The park road passes though many washes that are susceptible to flooding. After driving quite a ways into the park, the rain fall increased and we decided to return to the RV park. The rain continued the rest of the day and into the night. On Wednesday morning we left Torrey and headed for Moab. The sky was partially cloudy with the sun attempting to peek through. Our route took us back through Capitol Reef and out the northern end. The terrain was ever changing. The red rocks gave way to gold and then to grey. Some of the terrain is how I envision the surface of Mars, devoid of color.
Enroute we stopped at Valley of the Goblins. This is yet one more geological wonder. I think you will see how it got its name!
We then continued to the town of Green River, the home of the Melon Festival and the John Wesley Powell Museum. John Wesley Powell was an explorer who successfully navigated the Green River and Colorado River in 1869. The museum had an excellent movie, displays and actual boats that were used during the early exploration of the Colorado River. Last night we had a group dinner followed by a night boat trip into a canyon on the Colorado River for a light show that has been presented for the past 40+ years. Today we left at 8 a.m. for a bus tour of Dead Horse Point State Park and Canyonlands National Park. The sun was bright with an expected high of 85 degrees. The view from Dead Horse was beautiful although the sky was very hazy. According to our guide, the haze was caused by smoke drifting east from California fires. Dead Horse is located 2000 feet above the Colorado River. During the 1800s cowboys would drive wild horses out to the point where a natural corral was created. Legend has it that at one time some horses were left on the point without water and died.
Canyonlands provided views of the surrounding canyons.
This afternoon we drove along the Colorado River to Castle Creek Winery and the Red Cliffs Lodge. At the lodge we visited the Movie History Museum. Many movies have been filmed in this area from westerns to movies like Thelma and Louise. Recently a Tom Cruise movie was completed and Johnny Depp in the Lone Ranger will be released soon. We had some extra time for Chig to hang out with John Wayne.

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