Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 25-26 ~ Monument Valley, Utah

Yesterday our group took a 5 1/2 hour tour of Monument Valley. The entire trip was in open air shuttle vehicles along dusty red dirt roads. We really did have a great time.
Our guide explained that the reservation is making a concentrated effort to teach the native language and skills in the schools. The children learn how to weave, dye material, make jewelry and pottery. One of the formations is called "The Flintstones" - Fred & Barney.
We drove to some arches. Chig climbed up and took a picture of our group below.
We then saw an alcove dwelling called Square House.
Another alcove was called Baby House because there are children's hand and foot petroglyphs on the floor.
After viewing a large wall of petroglyphs we had Navajo Burgers cooked by our Navajo guides.
Today we drove to the visitor's center for Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park. The center had a small museum and large gift shop. We then started out on the 17 mile loop road through the park. At the first turnout we turned around. The road was rutted dirt with a lot of bumps and dust. The speed limit was 15 mph but we were only able to go 5 mph. Because we had other places to visit we continued on to our next destination, Goosenecks State Park. The pictures do not do it justice. The San Juan river flows in loops at this point and has carved three Gooseneck shaped land masses. It was really quite a sight.
We continued to a dirt road and another 17 mile dirt/gravel road through Valley of the Gods. The road condition was much better. We saw some interesting rock formations along the way. This is Lady in a Bathtub.
We thought this looked like a train engine.
This afternoon our tour directors treated us to a fantastic quesadilla, nacho, margarita social.

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